Bright Spots of Democracy – Hong Kong
1: government by the people
The greatest challenge to the seemingly overwhelming power of authoritarian governments is the ordinary citizen’s willingness to put themselves at risk for the sake of democracy. This year, Hong Kong’s citizens have been demonstrating that willingness through protests that have been ongoing since June. As protesters seek to maintain momentum in the face of violent crackdowns, their demands are clear – Hongkongers want democracy. In this episode, we look at the stories of four student activists from Hong Kong, their journey into activism, and what keeps them motivated to pursue democracy.
Host Sam Johannes spoke with:
Edy Jeh
Member of the University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Danian Wan
Council chair of the University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Kelly Hung
Activist at the University of Hong Kong and an employee in the Legislative Councilor’s Office
Joey Siu
vice president of the City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Season 4 Episodes

Bright Spots Of Democracy – Venezuela Activi…
Global · Bright Spots Of Democracy – Venezuela Activists