Countering China’s Information Manipulation: A Toolkit for Understanding and Action

This toolkit is a companion to the IRI report “Countering China’s Information Manipulation in the Indo-Pacific and Kazakhstan: A Framework for Understanding and Action.”
It collects the most essential information for anyone in civil society, academia, or government, and provides tools that can be used to understand how the PRC manipulates information environments in other countries. This toolkit also provides recommendations on how best to address PRC influence on international discourse and push back on the CCP’s information manipulation.
It is broken into three major sections:
- The major channels through which Beijing influences international perceptions, and how this can harm democratic institutions.
- Tools that can be used to research and understand Beijing’s information manipulation efforts.
- International best practices for addressing PRC information manipulation.
Understanding what tools Beijing uses to shape international perceptions can be difficult, because many of the most important are deceptive, or difficult to observe and recognize. This toolkit is meant to help cut through some of that confusion, and offer practitioners an easy to read, easy to use guide to help them tackle one of the most important, difficult problems confronting allies of democracy around the world today.