Diputada Electa
Congreso de la República de Guatemala
What parliament and chamber are you a member of?
I am a deputy elected for the 2024-2028 term in the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala.
What HDP program did you participate in?
I had the opportunity to participate in the Legislative Forum on Women’s Economic Empowerment in August 2023 in Viña del Mar, Chile.
What do you want other people to know about your country?
Guatemala is one of the most beautiful countries in the world with rich natural resources and a unique Mayan history and worldview. It has exemplary people and a strategic geographical position; however, the State has been mired in corruption for decades and has not allowed the full development of our society.
With the last elections, we decided to write a new story and bring a new spring for Guatemala.
International cooperation and foreign investment will be important. Together, with the representatives of the people, we work for the development of the people of Guatemala to make this a country with better opportunities and allow it to become fully developed.
Why did you decide to become a member of parliament?
I have seen and experienced the damage that corruption does to Guatemala and its people, and I am tired.
I realized that to change things in the country, I had to get involved. That’s why I decided to study Political Science – to understand how politics works, and to know what transformations had to be made.
Looking back on the HDP program, what was most impactful for you?
I was shocked to share with women senators and parliamentarians from different Latin American countries and confirm that the issues that confront women are similar in all countries. It is possible to put aside ideologies to work on a common agenda for the benefit of all.
Seeing the work that women have managed to do in different countries motivated me greatly and showed me that we are not alone and that together we are strong.
How are you applying your experience from the HDP mission to your role as a member of parliament?
Having the opportunity to live together and meet different parliamentarians and senators allowed me to learn from their advice, personal experiences, and from the successful work/laws that they have implemented in their countries that can be replicated in Guatemala.
What information, if any, that you gained through the HDP program have you shared with fellow members of parliament?
I have presented my colleagues some successful laws that promote the economic empowerment of women that have been implemented in other countries for us to analyze and work on collectively during the next term.
What advice would you give to new members of parliament?
May we remember that we are not alone. We were elected by people who have trusted us, who feel represented, and who will always support us. So, let’s not forget those who have placed their trust in us and involve them whenever we can.
What accomplishments in parliament are you most proud of?
Being elected at the age of 22 has been a great achievement. Representing women, the middle-working class, and youth, have made it possible for me to occupy a space in Congress. This is my greatest achievement and the one that makes me happiest.
The next few years will be used to demonstrate young women can also engage in politics and recover our space in decision-making.