Zimbabwe experienced nearly four decades of authoritarian rule under Mugabe’s leadership, which included economic degradation, political repression, and state-sponsored violence. On July 30, 2018, Zimbabweans went to the polls to participate in the most significant elections of their lifetime. For the first time since 1987, Former President Robert Mugabe’s name did not appear on the presidential ballot.
With the struggle for independence, land, and power running throughout Zimbabwe’s history, what is next for the country?
Our hosts speak to John Robertson, a native Zimbabwean and economist based in Harare who has commented extensively on the economic problems facing Zimbabwe today for a range of publications including Bloomberg and the Economist; Paul Mangwana a practicing lawyer and the Secretary of Legal Affairs for the ZANU PF party; Elizabeth Lewis, Deputy Director of the International Republican Institute’s Africa Division; and David Coltart, a human rights lawyer who has been active in Zimbabwean politics since the early 1980s.

John Robertson