When Ambassador Yalowitz completed his tour of duty in Belarus, he told President Lukashenko, “You can be known as the father of your country or Belarus can be known as a living museum of the former Soviet Union. The choice is yours.” Our hosts decide which direction President Lukashenko chose and explore “Europe’s last dictatorship” in the sixteenth episode of Global.
Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Belarus, Kenneth Yalowitz; Belarusian Member of Parliament and the first opposition party member to win a seat in the country’s parliament in two decades, Anna Konapatskaya; and IRI’s own Belarus expert, Ryte Vaiciuliene.
Kenneth Yalowitz
Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Belarus
Anna Konapatskaya
Belarusian Member of Parliament
Ryte Vaiciuliene
IRI Belarus Expert